(Written July 30, 2012)
Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.
- Luke 23:34
Did you ever wonder whether Jesus was talking about a) the soldiers who did the grisly work of pounding in the nails etc b) the Jewish people and especially their leaders, some of whom knew exactly Who Jesus was in their hearts but still handed Him over to be crucified c) the wider world, inclusive of both Jewish people and Gentiles - that is, all of us. Possibly it is all 3 - a, b and c.
I believe this statement refers to every living soul, because we all are all accomplices in pounding in the nails; not just the soldiers (who actually DID the killing, just doing their duty) or the Jewish people at the time (who cried out "Let his blood be on us and on our children")
The revelation of what really happened at the Cross is an eye-opener for everyone who believes. The Bible is clear about that. To that extent, none of us actually "knows" THAT we crucified the Lord of Glory by our sins. We come to know of the reality of our sin only when we come to the Cross and believe. So Jesus' statement is perfectly clear if it is seen this way - we ALL are guilty (Romans 1) and we all had no clue about how lost, sinful, and murderous we were being especially to Jesus. So if Jesus indeed died for the forgiveness of our sins (which He did), then this is His specific request on our behalf to God that purchases our pardon.
There is still one all-important thing we need to do in response - that is, BELIEVE that Jesus died for our sins. I need to admit that it was I who was under sentence, but He bore my sentence instead. Only then does Jesus' statement in Luke 23:34 bring the forgiveness of God to us.
I cannot imagine how Jesus, even as He was being done to death, could think of FORGIVENESS. He was human at the time, tempted to anger, to retaliation, to making His innocence clear and punishing perpetrators. He, being also God, was perfectly justified in doing so and putting the ones really responsible through our just deserts. And yet....... He continues steadfastly with His God-appointed task of purchasing our pardon! He shows this amazing love, this mercy that breaks my heart, this plaintive, lovesick yet purposeful wooing of me - the very one responsible! I deserved His death, and He took my place. What love is this, my Lord?
I, for my part, have made my decision - I cannot bear to reject this love and still remain alive. Were I to reject it, I could no longer live with myself - I have that much integrity. Were I to reject it, I would be, though living, a dead man. A walking dead person. There is no part of me, however rebellious, that does not capitulate entirely to this love Jesus showed on the Cross. It is truly love CONQUERING rebellion and hatred by giving itself up unto death. I BELIEVE!!! Forgive me, my Lord.........and thank You for your amazing love that conquers me.
What will you do? Will you accept this love, this pardon, purchased, ransomed, at the cost of the DEATH OF THE SON OF GOD? No decision you will ever make is as important as this response.
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