Monday, July 28, 2008

Take those first steps

When He rolls up His sleeves, He ain't just putting on the ritz,
Our God is an awesome God!
There's thunder in His footsteps And lightning in His fists
Our God is an awesome God!
And the Lord wasn't joking When He kicked 'em out of Eden
It wasn't for no reason That He shed His blood
His return is very close and so you better be believing that our God is an awesome God!

Our God is an awesome God!
He reigns from heaven above with wisdom, power, and love,
Our God is an awesome God!

And when the sky was starless in the void of the night
Our God is an awesome God!
He spoke into the darkness and created the light
Our God is an awesome God!
Judgement and wrath He poured out on Sodom,
Mercy and grace He gave us at the cross,
I hope that we have not too quickly forgotten that our God is an awesome God!

Our God is an awesome God!
He reigns from heaven above with wisdom, power, and love,
Our God is an awesome God!

If it's power that does it for us, is there a greater power in this universe? What an AWESOME, AWESOME God He is!!!

If it's safety, security and protection that it for us, where is a safer place than under His wings?

If it's love that makes our world go round, can we find love more faithful and sacrificing than God's love?

If it's wisdom that lights our way, is there such a dark tunnel where the light of Jesus cannot dispel and scatter the darkness, bringing the clear light of day?

When I heard Rich Mullins sing this yesterday on my iPod, I thought, what a song at a time like this, with me bowed down with fear and cowering in the face of that which oppressed me for many a long, lonely year. Today, there is the clear light of day; my oppressors lie at my feet, dealt fatal blows by the strongest right hand in the universe. They lie dead, never to rise again. And me.....through the haze of tears, disbelieving still, I look at the future - for the first time with a ray of sunshine so bright that I am forever warmed.

Thank you Jesus.

If you feel alone and trapped by your circumstances, if you think it's one endless dark tunnel after another, if you think the light of day is not something you deserve........I want to tell you this. God doesn't think so. He DESPERATELY wants you to come to see the light of day. And He will do all in His power (and where is the limit to that, I ask) to bring you to that door, which, when you open it, will usher in a morning so bright that the night will not even be a memory. Hear this:

Though you search for your enemies, you will not find them.
Those who wage war against you will be as nothing at all.
- Isaiah 41:12

No one, no situation and nothing on earth deters our God. Put your faith in Him, and take your steps. Feeble they may be, as the steps of a child learning to walk. But they speak of many things and promise many things. First, they are deliberate, final steps away from the time when we COULD NOT WALK....when our feet gave way under us. Now, our feet support our weight. The past need not cripple us. Second, our first steps, however feeble, can only lead to surer, stronger and firmer steps in the future. Put your weight on your Heavenly Father, and TAKE THOSE FIRST STEPS!!!!! Afterwards, walk freely in the clear light of day, along the path that is yours, to your destiny.

That chair by the fireplace looks so inviting now - what new wonders will God take me through?

You can be sure I'll be telling......

Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Wellspring of Life

In early 1996 my father took ill. As in all the other seasons of my life, I was unprepared. Trouble never asks one's leave to walk through one's door:)

I keenly remember the feeling of inner bankruptcy. There were no inner resources, no reserve, to stave off the ominous feelings of fear, guilt and foreboding. I felt absolutely inadequate and drained to deal with the situation.

How had I let myself come to this debilitating deficit? I wondered.

Gordon McDonald's Ordering Your Private World provided some answers - I had exhausted my inner world. I hadn't known of it's existence; I never stopped to think where all my energy actually came from.

There is an inner world within us - where the heart dwells. Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life (Proverbs 4:23). The heart needs care, just as our physical bodies do. Our hearts can be like the "green pastures" and the "still waters" in Psalm 23 - or they can be a one-room shack with leftovers, hanging precariously on a cliff, about to hurtle into oblivion. They can be places of restoration or irreparable harm.

In one sense, it is up to us how we preserve our hearts. But that's just the beginning. A home always reflects its inhabitants. If we let God live in our hearts and make His home there, God's order, His peace and calm, His restoration, slowly work their way through.

Later, I read Max Lucado's The Great House of God, which cemented the idea of making the heart a dwelling for the Almighty. We've got to let God in; we've got to let the things He's said permeate our beings. In fact, in The Great House of God, each of the sentences in The LORD's Prayer is likened to a part of the house that our hearts can be, to house The LORD and build up and protect our hearts from the forces that assail it all through our lives.

It's comforting to know that I do not have to wear myself out house-cleaning - I can let The LORD sweep my heart clean. I don't have to fix the broken shingles; I don't have to plug the leaks. The LORD has His way for each of these. If I give Him the keeping of my heart, He fills it with Himself, and never will there be a more impregnable fortress inside!!!!!

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Chair by the Fireplace

"They said, "Rabbi" (which means Teacher), "where are you staying?"
"Come", he replied, "and you will see."
So they went and saw where he was staying, and spent that day with him."

Where do we live? It isn't a geographical question, I don't know if a point on the map begins to answer it.

What I really wonder is - where our hearts live. Where the real person inside of us lives. After all, we aren't just physical bodies are we? Our physical bodies don't even begin to capture what we're really like most of the time.......

Every heart lives somewhere. Maybe by the side of a gravestone of someone who left us when we weren't ready. Or next to someone who cares little whether we live or not. Inside a cool bank vault. Maybe always on the run - fleeing in the night from our fears. Perhaps some of us don't care. We don't know, so why care.

I've always been impressed by the care we take to house our bodies. There must be a little garden by the house, or at least in the backyard. There must be natural light, and fresh air wherever possible. The house must look just so, and feel just like so. What about turning down for the night? "I long for my own bed". The bed has to be just right, the lights have to be turned down just that much, I need my favourite night-clothes. For most of us, even for those who live from hotel room to hotel room, we do remember what OUR BED felt like; and we long for it.

Physical houses - to house physical bodies. And the planned down to the last detail.

Our hearts....well they are a different story. We don't mind leaving them out there in the rain - in the middle of a snowstorm. Some of us don't mind at all, if we spent our lives seething inside, sickle in hand, waiting to hurt someone else. Some of us seek happiness in the shadows, and we seemingly find it, and hold on to it with a stranglehold on life. I'm nothing short of AMAZED, at the fact that though we instinctively know our hearts, we don't take care to house our hearts.

The more I think about it......the more I am convinced that my heart needs that place - where I (the person inside) can kick off my shoes by the fireplace, sit down and let the cares of life drain away. A place of absolute security where no one can reach, leave alone harm. An impregnable, ancient fortress on a high mountain.

The moment I've thought of that chair by the fireplace, many images fill my mind. Maybe there's a rug there - a hearth. There are soft, easy lights, lovingly etched on ancient, venerable wood. The warmth in there is not merely in just the place itself - it reaches inside of my heart. There's a steaming pot of coffee there, to blow out the chill from inside me. Maybe my eyes fall upon life-giving text on yellowed paper, in an old leather-bound tome. I can hear the strains, somewhere within me:

"Great is Thy Faithfulness, O God, My Father!!
There is no shadow of turning with Thee,
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not,
As Thou hast been, Thou forever wilt be!"

I feel a loving hand rest on my shoulder and look up into the loving eyes of God.

It's unchangeable! That chair by the fireplace, will be mine for eternity. No one else can really sit there and feel at home like I do. Let the ages roll on, but God still keeps that chair by the fireplace for me.

Very possibly...your mind fills with different images. Each heart.....has its own home. God has a different "chair by the fireplace" for each of us.

Let's think of a place where our hearts are at home. And dwell there........

Where does your heart live? While you're finding out, come see where mine lives.